ASCC can provide a number of survey services including topographical surveys, boundary definitions, plans including survey plans/drawings and site set-out. ASCC's survey team works with the latest in technology including survey computer software and GPS systems, so that we can offer a range of services from general survey advice to the electronic drawing of plans.
Boundary Survey
After being provided with a current legal description of the subject property, a professional land surveyor reviews title information as well as deed information of adjoining properties. A thorough effort is made to recover monuments in the field, oftentimes including public land monuments (e.g. "section corners", "quarter corners") not necessarily adjacent to the subject property. Precise field measurements are made, field data calculated, and property corner positions determined by careful analysis. Frequently, legal descriptions of the subject and adjacent properties are in conflict with field measurements. The professional land surveyor documents these conflicts and prepares a detailed plat of the property boundary, setting the necessary property corner monuments in the field. If the land surveyor has been provided with the appropriate title information, the land survey plat will also show the position of easements, rights-of-way and other encumbrances affecting the subject property.