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MIDC Circulars / Guidelines.

Sub-Letting Process of MIDC Plot

Subletting Process of MIDC Land
  1. MIDC has issued various guide lines from time to time to regulate process for giving the MIDC plots on Leave & License  (Subletting Process of MIDC Land) basis to any third party by the Lessee of the plot. In this connection, following MIDC Circulars are relevant in the present context:-
  • MIDC Circular No.90/2009 dated 29 Oct, 2009. Please click here to view MIDC Circular
  • MIDC Circular No. 110/2010 dated 26 May, 2010. Please click here to view MIDC Circular
  • MIDC Circular No. 69977/2013 dated 05 Mar, 2013. Please click here to view MIDC Circular
  1. As per the present norms of MIDC, the MIDC grants the Sub-Letting permission as follows:
  • The Lessee should have consumed FSI and obtained the B.C.C as per MIDC norms.
  • Sub-Letting permission can be given by MIDC to following purpose only
  1. Industrial to Industrial
  2. Commercial to Commercial
  3. IT, ITES to IT, ITES
  • Sub-Letting permission can be granted by MIDC up to 10 Years at the request of Lessee on recovery of Sub-Letting charges in advance. MIDC will review the land rate after every 3 years and if there is any change in MIDC land rate, then MIDC will recover the differential Sub-Letting charges from the Lessee.
  1. At present Sub-Letting charges are 3% of MIDC land rate for Industrial and Commercial purpose and 1% for IT & ITES purpose, which is to be paid in advance for the period of sub-letting granted by MIDC.


Plot Size                 :         4000 Sq. Mtrs.

Area Sub-letted  :        1000 Sq. Mtrs.

MIDC Rate             :         Rs.5,000/- PSM

Sub-Letting Charges = Area Sub-letted X MIDC Rate X 3 %

= 1000 X 5000 X 3% = Rs.1,50,000/- Per Annum

  1. MIDC follows a set procedure throughout Maharashtra for giving the Sub-Letting Permission to the conditions stipulated in Para 2 above have been met.
  1. ASCC Pvt. Ltd. can assist its clients for obtaining MIDC Sub-Letting permission.
  2. Role of ASCC for obtaining Sub-Letting Permission and documentation etc. has been explained in a ‘Flow Chart’ placed below:-
    subletting flowchart

The entire process takes about one month for obtaining MIDC Sub-Letting Permission; therefore application for obtaining Sub-Letting permission should be made to MIDC one month prior to start the Sub-Letting period.

If you need any help in Subletting Process of MIDC Land , Reach us at:
Ascent Supply Chain Consultants Private Limited,

406 Raheja Arcade, Sector-11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400614,

MH – India.

Tel: 02248974888



1 Comment

  1. gourav biswas

    hey keep it up thanks for this post.very helpful.

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