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MIDC Circulars / Guidelines.

Utilisation of MIDC Plots in IT Parks in Marol ,Thane and TTC Navi Mumbai

IT Activity in MIDC

MIDC Circular No. D76436 dated 15 Nov, 2016

As per existing MIDC guidelines the MIDC Plot / Unit holders were not allowed to do other activity other than IT activity in the areas declared for IT Park.  But Plot/ Unit holders whose factories were running before declaring IT Park, they were allowed to run the factories with their pre existing activity and in case of transfer of plot, permission was granted to them to continue the same activity.  However, the permission was not given for sublease, transfer involving change of activity except in case of Marol MIDC, where permission was being granted for sublease, sublet & transfer only for Gems & Jewellery industries.  MIDC  had already scrapped ‘Industrial Location Policy’ in declared IT parks of Marol, Wagle and TTC MIDC.

There was demand from the industrialists in Marol, Wagle and TTC Area to continue their pre-existing Non IT activities and also to allow them to sublease, sublet and transfer their plots for Non IT activities. In order to boost the industry on the drive of ‘Make in India, ‘Make in Maharashtra’ objective while taking into consideration the scarcity of place for Industry other than IT and also availability of surplus place in IT Parks, the MIDC considered the case favourably and issued a Circular No. D76436 dated 15 Nov, 2016. The said circular stipulates that MIDC may consider  transfer, sublease, sublet with change of activity of plot / constructed area in IT Parks other than IT activity on certain terms and conditions as under:-

  1. Plot holders can continue the pre-existing Non IT industrial activity in IT Zone or expand their industries, or sublet, sub lease or transfer their industries or change their industrial activities falling under ‘White and Green category of MPCB’. As per MIDC Policy, permission will be granted after recovering charges for transfer, sublease & sublet.
  2. Permission for change of activity from IT to Industrial use in ‘Orange Category of MPCB’ will also be granted for plots Declared or Reserved for IT.
  3. In declared IT Park on existing industrial activities on such plots no permission can be granted for transfer, sublease, sublet for commercial and residential activity and also for change of activity from IT to Commercial and Residential.
  4. As per Government and MIDC Policy, if Industries have taken IT benefits, they will not be able to take the benefits of above said Circular

This Policy will be applicable for pending and new applicants.

Please click here to view ‘MIDC Circular No. D76436 dated 15 Nov, 2016’.

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